Special Olympics Jawa Tengah
Mereka Bukan Cacat, Mereka Special.
Your support matters greatly.

Hadir Untuk Berprestasi
Pemberdayaan Penyandang Disabilitas Intelektual melalui Olahraga
Special Olympics merupakan organisasi internasional yang telah diakui oleh International Olympic Committee (IOC), sebagai satu-satunya Olimpiade Olahraga Khusus bagi para Penyandang Disabilitas Intelektual (ID) di dunia; Indonesia yang memiliki potensi sekitar 5,4 juta jiwa Insan Bertalenta Khusus (IBK) Penyandang ID (Studi PBB: ±2% populasi); Saat ini Pengurus Daerah Special Olympics Jawa Tengah (Penda SOIna Jateng) Masa Bakti 2024-2028, dipimpin oleh: Bapak Warsito Ellwein, selaku Ketua Umum.
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volunteer opportunities
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contribute financially to help fund our projects and outreach efforts aimed at improving communities.
Mari bergabung bersama kami untuk menciptakan dunia yang lebih baik bagi Mereka yang Special
engaging communities through various initiatives to support children.
educational programs
providing access to essential educational resources for underprivileged children to foster their growth and development in a supportive environment.
health initiatives
promoting health and well-being among children through nutrition, vaccination, and health education programs to ensure a brighter future.
Gallery Highlights
Explore our impactful moments and community engagement initiatives here.